Why write…take three…

June 8, 2007 at 4:31 pm | Posted in Meg, writing | 1 Comment

I’ve been nervous all week, knowing my debut Blog Day was approaching. I’ve read both of my fellow heartlettes’ entries and marveled at their eloquence, voice and style. After patting myself on the back for having the foresight to partner with these women, I froze. I mean, come on, how do the hell do I follow them?

So here I go…why do I write? Two of the main reasons…First, I write because I can’t sing, I can’t dance, I can’t paint, sculpt, draw, etc. At least I know I can’t do any of these things in public without someone laughing uncontrollably at me. And sometimes I wonder if I CAN write. On those days, when that horrible inner voice mocks my every phrase, I remember the second reason I write…

Because it refuels my soul. I have found that when I’m writing, I have more energy, more smiles, more sense of self. When I’m not crafting dialogue or creating characters, I’m cranky, irritable and downright bored with life (hence why my husband supports me in this endeavor). I write to entertain myself. I get to create new best friends, captivating heroes, romantic places and happy endings. I fall in love, hurt, rejoice and experience the wonders of the world. Sometimes, like literally just this moment, I get so caught up in the wonderful world I’ve created, I burn rice. (I swear, I just did! Ever smell burnt rice? It’s awful!)

So that’s why I write. And to be honest, I don’t really care if I write as well as I sing. I love doing it!

Now that we’ve bared our souls for the first time, it’s your turn to comment. Why do you write?


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  1. Since I’ve been keeping a journal since I was 20, and writing other things for at least that long, I’d have to say I write because it’s one of the few things that keeps me sane. Catharsis aside, I write because it’s the only thing I feel I’m even remotely good at – which is, of course, a constant debate I have with myself, the outcome depending on how I feel at any given moment. đŸ™‚


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